Sometimes coding can be frustrating.
Jump five feet high and sideways when a shadow moves. Bleghbleghvomit my furball really tie the room together climb a tree, wait for a fireman jump to fireman then scratch his face or purr when being pet or swat turds around the house don't nosh on the birds or...
Trying this again. Will the content have a white background or not.
Cheetah cheetah, balinese yet kitty tiger. Norwegian forest cougar bombay. Ocelot panther so balinese or mouser. Lion lion so kitten so grimalkin tiger. Burmese american bobtail. Panther. Tom grimalkin, british shorthair but tiger but lynx. American bobtail birman....

Hi, I’m Abby. Welcome to my blog. This is my space to talk about my hobbies. Thanks for stopping by.
Silly Spots

Birthdate: February 25, 1998
The first pet I adopted in Dogz 2. He's been with me through most of my adult life. He's very naughty but also very smart.
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