Welcome to the Petz Breeds Directory - a listing of Petz and Oddballz breeds available on the web. This is a long-term project/work in progress. I did a similar project back in 1998-2004 (-ish) and wanted to bring it back!
Site went live September 30, 2023.
There are 3381 listings in the directory:
Petz 1 (12)
Petz 2 (29)
Petz 3 (571)
Petz 4 (1235)
Petz 5 (686)
Unibreed (810)
Oddballz (38)
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Wanna Help?
I would love help adding breeds to the directory. If you would like to volunteer a little time (doesn't have to be much), adding breeds is pretty simple. Here's how you can help:
- Pick a site or two from the Petz Site Directory (that's not listed on the Sites Listed page), and add the breed files using the Breed Submission form.
- If you know of breeds available that are not on sites listed at PSD, please add those as well.
- If you have breeds saved that aren't available anywhere online, I don't mind hosting them and getting them listed here. Feel free to contact me here.
Updates & Notes

- FEB-12-2024: I've started to re-add Fleabagz breeds to the directory (more to come). Changed the color palette for the site and also added a dark mode (just click the little button in the top corner of the site). Also made the site responsive so it looks better on mobile devices.
- JUN-19-2024: You can now see the recently added listings.
- JUN-05-2024: You can now toggle Unibreeds on/off in the Petz 3/4/5 filter lists. (Thanks CyanLime for the suggestion!)
- JAN-07-2024: Added the Petz Utilities & More Masterlist to the Resources list below
- JAN-05-2024: Milestone - there are now 3000+ breeds listed. Also, cleaned up the entries in the database and added a creator column to give credit (as best as possible) to original creators.
- DEC-25-2023: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. It's been a rough month or so with illness and injuries, but I'm on the mend. I want to get back to adding breeds in the near future!
- NOV-12-2023: Milestone - 2000+ breeds added. Also, added a list of sites that have had their breeds listed.
- NOV-11-2023: Added the Selective Breed Master List to the Resources list below
- OCT-07-2023: Added a View All filter so you can search the entire listing if you want.
At this time, breeds available at PKC Breed Hosting are added on a case by case basis, since I cannot easily denote if breeds are OW or not and sometimes can't tell the game version of the breed. If someone who is more knowledgeable about these breeds would like to help me with adding them to the database with correct information, please contact me.
Other Resources
Petz Site Directory
OW Master List
Custom Petz Palette Masterlist
Selective Breed Master List
PKC Breed Hosting
Petz Utilities & More Masterlist at CCK
Link To Us