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Victory Grand
Creator: Matt and Wendy
Group: Dog, Shorthair (Large)
Breed Standard & Scoring:
- Coat: White
- Eyes: Brown
- Eyelids: Black (3pts) / Gray (1pt)
- Ear Type: Dane
- Muzzle Type: Dane
- Head Build: Large, Heavy (3pts) / Leaner (2pts)
- Height: 5.3-5.6 (3pts) / 5.7-6.0 (2pts) / 5.0-5.2 (1pt)
- Body Type: Dane
- Body Build: Large, stocky (3pts) / Leaner (2pts)
- Leg Type: Dane
- Paw Pads: Black
- Purebred: Traced back to Sir Alpine
Breeding Pairs:
- Gardinia and Powder
- Klondike and Magnolia
- Lilly and Blizzard
- Daisy and Alpine
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Active from 1998-2002. Archive reopened June 2023