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Springtime Terrier

Creator: Matt
Group: Dog, Longhair (Small)

Breed Standard & Scoring:

  • Coat Color: They should have a coat color very similar to a Mutt's. This ears a 3, anything else earns a 0.
  • Eye Color: They should have teal eyes, this earns a 3, greyish purple eyes earn 1, anything else earn a 0.
  • Ear Type: They should have a scottie ear, this earns a 3, anything else earns a 0.
  • Height: They should be between 4 and 4.5 points tall, this earns a 3, anything above 4.5 or below 4 earns a 0.
  • Leg Type: They should have Mutt tpye legs, maybe a little stalkier, but of the same family. This earns a 3, anything else earns a 0.
  • Pad/Eyelid color: They should have a black pad color, this earns a 3, anything else earns 0. They should have dark brown eyelids, this earns 3, anything else earns 0.
  • Muzzle: They sould have a thick, scottie muzzle, no acceptions made. This earns a 3, anything else earns 0.
  • Body Type: They should have a slinder, yet stalky body, that is long. It must be something very close to a mutt, this earns a 3, anything other than a Mutt body build earns a 0.
  • Special Markings: They must have 3 white paws, and on the under side of their chest must be white. On one of their legs, there must be a white spot about half way up their leg. One ear should be a dark brown. They must also have a white mark on their muzzle.
  • Disqualifications: Anything that is not pure bred Springtime Terrierz, and must lead back to Greg and Amy. If they don't have any mutt markings, that is also a disqualification. One ear must be a dark brown, while the other must be light brown.
  • Purebred: Traced back to Greg and Amy

Breeding Pairs:

  • Brad and Pretty
  • Craig and Julie
  • Jamie and Samuel
  • Lacy and Jarred

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Active from 1998-2002. Archive reopened June 2023