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Flame Point Siamese
Creator: Suzy
Group: Cat, Shorthair
Breed Standard & Scoring:
- Coat Color: MUST have a white coat with orange Siamese markings.
- Eye Color: Blue Gray only
- Body Siamese body
- Legs Siamese Legs
- Head: Siamese Head
- Ears: The whole ear must be orange. NOT just the tips
- Tail: Siamese tail WHOLE tail is orange, not just the tip.
- Feet: Siamese Feet.
- Pad Color: Gray
- Height: The height of a normal Siamese. Sometimes slightly taller.
- Meow: Siamese
- Attitude: Siamese
- Eyelids Gold
- Whiskers White
- All Catz are descended from FireCat and Candycorn. Although after so many generations, you can no longer see it on the pedigree chart.
Breeding Pairs:
Download the Original 8
Active from 1998-2002. Archive reopened June 2023