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Danish Mutt
Creator: Casey
Group: Dog, Shorthair (Small)
Breed Standard & Scoring:
- Coat Color: (Full Points)- Blue with white patches and one brown ear
- Eye Color: 3pts- Teal. 2pts- Light blue or Dark gray. 0pts- any other color
- Eyelid Color: (Full Points)- Black
- Ear Type: (Full Points)- Mutt
- Muzzle/head type: (Full Points)- Mutt
- Height: (Full Points)- between 4-4.5
- Body type: Dane 3pts- Lean build. 2pts- Medium build. 0pts- Large or obese build. *NOTE* Males are generally stockier than females
- Tail Type: (Full Points)- Dane
- Leg Type: (Full Points)- Dane
- Paw Type: (Full Points)- Dane
- Paw Pad Color: (Full Points)- Brown
- Bark/Attitude: (Full Points)- Mutt
- Tounge Color: (Full Points)- Red
- DISQUALIFICATIONS: Two brown ears, Less than 2 white patches
- Purebred: Trace back to .....
Breeding Pairs:
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Active from 1998-2002. Archive reopened June 2023