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American Retriever
Creators: Jessica and Kathy
Group: Dog, Shorthair (Small)
Breed Standard & Scoring:
- Coat Color: Red-Brown, with black spots, nothing else.
- Eye Color: Dark Gray earns a 3, brown or black earns 1.
- Pad/Eyelid Color: Eyelid color brown/gray, earns a 3, black earns a 2. Pad color should be gray or white, any other color, earns a 1.
- Ear Type: Labrador, earns a 3, dal earns 1. Must match the coat color, black ears earn 1.
- Height: 4.00 to 5.00
- Leg Type: Lab built legs, earn a 3, dal earns a 2. Toes should be like a labs.
- Muzzle Type/Color: Labrador only, everything else, automatic 0.
- Body Type: Dal torso, lab earns a 2. Should be somewhat short & stalky.
- Face Type: Lab only!
- Tail Type: Long & thin, only, earns 3 points, all others earn 0.
- Breeds From: Dal & Lab
- Purebred: Traced back to LKC's Rain
Breeding Pairs:
- Breeze and Storm
- Hail and Lightning
- Snow and Thunder
- Flurry and Twister
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