Valentine’s day l♥ve pups

Valentine’s day l♥ve pups

For Valentine's Day, I hexed a litter for adoption on the Petz Life discord server. They are too cute not to share! They have all been adopted, but if you would like to do a trade for one, hit me up on Discord (dreamtyme).  

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Night mode and more at the Petz Breeds Directory

Night mode and more at the Petz Breeds Directory

A couple of weeks ago, I wanted to fix the column headings for the directory. This turned into a week-long coding adventure involving PHP and CSS. Previously, each game version had its own static page with a query to pull in all the information from the database. I...

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Why every Petz site needs a privacy policy (and how to make your own)

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my new blog! Since I returned to the Petz Community and to website design in general, the root domain of has been a simple landing page with an image map with links to my Petz and Babyz related web sites. A couple of weeks ago I thought it...

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Hi, I’m Abby. Welcome to my blog. This is my space to talk about my hobbies. Thanks for stopping by.

Help Grow the Petz Breeds Directory

Submit custom breeds to share with the Petz Community!