Babyz, created by PF.Magic and released by The Learning Company, is a virtual life simulator game where you can take care of bbies who live in a virtual house on your computer. The game was released in 1999 and is part of a series virtual life simulations created by PF.Magic which includes Dogz, Catz, and Oddballz. For more information, check out the Petz Wiki.
This is my little spot on the Internet to show off my baby Lila and give back to the Babyz community with some game content.
Lila is my first and currently only baby. When I installed the game I went looking for codes to adopt a baby. While doing a search for "babyz" I came across a cute image and Megan from Babble sweetly offered to try to hex a baby that looked like it. I think she did an amazing job! I love her so much. To be honest, I never was a fan of the game in the past, but I hoped that the right baby would change my mind and I will have to say Lila is perfect. I love her giggle so much! I cannot wait to make new memories with her!
I'm Abby. I'm married and the momma to three wonderful furbabies: Snow, Asha and Tao.
I was in the Petz community from 1998 until around 2004. In June 2023, I started thinking about the game, my web site building experience, and the Petz community in general. I was pleasantly surprised to see the community is thriving! I installed Petz 4 on my computer and my love of the game came back like it never left. And now I am also playing Babyz!