Below are the resources that I have used to make the creations here at Petz Deco.
- Paint Shop Pro 7 (2000) - This is the graphics program I use most of the time. It's old but it's great.
[ available here ]
- Gimp - Another graphics program I use for some of the things I cannot do with PSP7.
[ available here ]
- Tinker - I use this program to edit carrying case skins for Petz 4. It is also used to edit toys,
clothes, much more for the Petz, Babyz, and Oddballz games.
[ available here ]
- Playscene Converter - This program corrects the problems with Petz 4 playscenes that don't show up in
your game or are missing sounds.
[ download ]
- Playscene Editor - This comes built into the Petz 4 & 5 games.
- Playscene Kits - Creators may have different names for this. These are kits that contain items (most of the time using items from in game playscenes) with transparent backgrounds and layers that you can use to build your own custom Petz playscene backgrounds in a fast, easy and fun way. Originally provided by Emerald Gate Petz (you can find the site on Wayback but the file has been lost to time). You can find my playscene kits in the catalog.
- Carrying Case Templates - I use custom carrying case templates to make skins. It's available here for your use. [ download ]