Devon Chin


A sweet fluffy breed with adorably large ears and a chonky body.


Selectively bred with the following breeds:

  • Devon Rex (Calico OW) by Aniseed
  • Persian Chinchilla Persian (Chinchilla Persian OW) by Cargo
  • Siamese
  • Persian
  • Tabby


Breed Standard

Personality: Calico
Ears: Devon Rex
Head: Devon Rex
Whiskers: Devon Rex
Body: Persian Chinchilla Persian
Legs: Persian Chinchilla Persian
Feet: Persian Chinchilla Persian
Tail: Persian Chinchilla Persian
Tongue: Persian Chinchilla Persian
Coat: Persian Chinchilla Persian
Coat Colors: Any color, but primarily grey or cream
Eyelid Color: Black
Eye Colors: Pink or Dark Grey
Whisker Color: White

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page last updated Jan-14-2025